- 1 whole baking chicken
- Your favorite Italian spices (I used oregano, thyme, parsley, garlic powder, salt and pepper)
- Extra virgin Coconut Oil (>)
1. Preheat oven at 350 degrees
2. Place 1-2 heaping TBSPs of coconut oil in a small pan and melt over low heat until it becomes liquid.
3. In a bowl, mix 1-2 tsps of each of the spices (you can use whichever ones you like).
4. Pour the melted coconut oil into the bowl with the spices and mix well.
5. Let the coconut oil/spice mixture cool down a bit.
6. Using your hands, rub this mixture under the skin of the chicken. Make sure to coat it thoroughly.
7. Place the chicken, breast side down, in a glass baking pan. (This will make sure the breast is juicy)
8. Bake in the oven for 2-3 hours. (This will be determined by the size of your chicken. After the first hour and a half, begin to check it consistently every 10-15 minutes until cooked through)
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